Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Time began, and time will end. The end was known by the creator from the beginning. Jesus will return during the Battle of Armageddon. The Mayans prophesied the end of the world on 12/21/12. Mayans of the Yucatan predict Earth passes through the galactic plane that day, where it can encounter space debris. The debris may be stationary, but Earth does 65,000 mph orbiting our sun. Encountering debris at that speed would devastate. In 2007 a lost book from Nostradamus surfaced and he prophesies the end that day. In his prophecy a celestial event that occurs every 26,000 years happens that day. The sun, Earth, and the black hole at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy align. Others, Edgar Cayce, the Chinese I Ching, ancient Egyptians, native Americans, prophets and oracles around the world, and throughout time predict the end at that time. The world ended once before 4357 years ago with the flood. Noah, and whoever saw his ark had warning. We have warning again, when Antichrist comes, and when the 200 million man army starts killing on their way to Armageddon. Those events are prophesied to precede Jesus return. Jesus said it will be like it was for Noah (Mt.24:37). In Nostradamus' lost book one prophecy has Noah's ark in the sky. In the final 3-1/2 years half of us die, and the other half see Jesus return. When Jesus returns the world ends, and everyone dies, except for those Jesus rescues. What will happen to you?

It is time for Jews to remember when and why God left the ark Moses made, and let Israel be captured, scattered, and brutalized by so many nations. Then they will be humble, and finally admit they crucified the messiah promised them.

Mahmoud Abbas (Nostradamus' "Mabus") signs a treaty with Israel, and is assassinated. He returns to life on the third day, and begins wearing a blue turban, boasting he is Christ, risen from the dead (Antichrist). God hates his boasts. Soon he becomes a cruel president of a ten nation confederacy, the New World Order. The NWO has been the goal of Free Masons worldwide for countless years (perhaps since the Tower of Babel near Babylon). NWO began in Jan 2009 with the Lisbon Treaty in Europe. NWO leaders are appointed, not elected. Appointed president (despot, Antichrist) Mahmoud Abbas replaces currency with a microchip in the right hand or forehead. Citizens take his implant, because they need it for food. God condemns all that get the chip. Many are beheaded for faith in Jesus Christ. Opposing NWO, China begins killing all Asians from Russia to Iran. Their 200 million troops cross the Euphrates river into Iraq to annihilate the Arab nations east of the Jordan river (in all they kill 1/3 of mankind). NWO supports Arabs and fears China because the Chinese appear unstoppable. China and NWO meet in the valley of Megiddo in Northern Israel in Dec. 2012 for the prophesied Battle of Armageddon. Where does USA fit in all this? USA will suffer less because God promised to bless friends of Israel. Catholics get one last pope, Peter the Roman. Pope Peter will see Vatican demolished. The four horsemen of the Apocalypse kill 1/4 of mankind. The seas, rivers, and lakes turn red. Sea creatures die. 1/3rd of all ships sink. 1/3 of the trees and grass burn (Reev 8:7). The sun turns red, and the moon dark. Scary changes make people dread tomorrow. Suicide is rampant. All of this leads to Jesus' return. When he appears, before he touches earth, a violent earthquake over the entire surface of Earth throws everyone headlong. The world ends, and everybody dies. Everyone dies, because the next world is exclusive, by invitation only. Jesus rescues his people for the next world. That's why Noah's ark is in the sky. Some are saved. Jesus selects them.

We know a little about the next world. It is populated by those rescued the day Jesus returns, and those beheaded by Antichrist. The beheaded are the only ones raised from the dead to immortality. Satan is locked away. There is no violence and no predators. All animals are vegetarians and herbivores, coexisting peacefully. Lifespans increase to over 900 years. Jesus rules for 1000 years. The 1000 years ends when Satan is released once more to influence Gog, Magog, Tubal, and Meshes to assemble an army to attack Jerusalem, which Jesus will easily and quickly defeat.

Finally, on Judgment Day, Jesus will raise and judge every creature that ever lived. This is described in Matthew 25. It will be the most important day for every creature. It will be best to have Jesus' favor, mercy, forgiveness and grace. The alternative is eternal anguish in the lake of fire. There is no middle ground or gray area. Trying to be good is counterproductive. You can't save yourself. Only Jesus saves. When you trust him, trust him to make you good in his eyes.

Fools reject Jesus. I am no fool. Jesus means everything to me. People get afraid, like the end of the world is a bad thing. It's not such a great world, but the next world is awesome. There is hope for those who trust Jesus. It is simple. He said, "Seek and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened." It is sad that so many people never hear this. But now you are without excuse.

Maybe someone believes Jesus won't return. OK, here's how we know ahead: Antichrist will make headlines 3 1/2 years before Jesus returns. The book of Daniel says watch those days. We will see if the Mayans and Nostradamus are right. How could we watch without having the end date in mind? Let's watch. If nothing happens, I am wrong. No harm, no foul. Otherwise ready or not, here comes Jesus.

many more videos about endtime 2012 prophecies

Stay tuned for developments.

Much last days prophecy has been fulfilled.

Safety in numbers? Notice how many prophecy the end in 2012.
Search for Cayce 2012, End Of The world 2012, 2012 Mayan Calendar, 2012 Egypt, December 21 2012, 2012 I Ching, 2012 Nostradamus Lost Book, Earth Changes, 2012 Enlightenment, 2012 Predictions, End of the world and 2012, Mayan Calendar Predictions 2012, Predictions 2012, Year 2012, 2012 Prophecy Dictionary, 2012 Spiritual, 2012 Spirituality, 2012 The End Of The World, 2012 World Ending, 2012 Year, Ascension 2012, Astrology Of 2012, Astronomy 2012, Aztec Calendar 2012, Aztec Calendar And Year 2012, Bhagavan Kalki And 2012, Calendar 2012, Cayce 2012, Consciousness Paradigm 2012, December 10 2012, December 21 2012 Dictionary, Dna Changes And 2012, Earth 2012, Earth Changes 2012, Earth Changes 2012 Dictionary,


Stan C. Countz said...

Hi Brad, this is interesting. I'm currently editing a book entitled OUR FINAL HOUR by Richard Berlanga. Your timeline fits well within what he is referring to as well. I'll share with the you the book as it is coming along. It is seven chapters.


Stan C. Countz said...

Hi Brad, this is interesting. I'm currently editing a book entitled OUR FINAL HOUR by Richard Berlanga. Your timeline fits well within what he is referring to as well. I'll share with the you the book as it is coming along. It is seven chapters.


Anonymous said...

Hi Brad,
Your information has been created by the darker entities on this planet. Jesus is already here..walking this planet in mortal form. She will ascend again in the fifth dimension and those who are of 'crystal' frequency will ascend with her.

believe it..

festkjeppen said...

Are you on crack?

Author said...

since May 2009 has passed and your predictions didnt happen, does that now makes you a false prophet by Biblical standards. Repent and shut down your blog.

Jesus returns said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jesus returns said...

Jesus returns 12/21/2012 said...

MJ. You are right. I was wrong about the dates. So I have removed them. Everything else will still happen. We just don't know when. But it will be soon. One thing to watch is the Pope. When Benedict dies, the next Pope will be Peter. Multiple prophets said that.

Anonymous said...

Jesus dates.
1. Feast of trumpets - this year 19th/20th September Sabbath days
2. Passover - sun being in the same position as creation - every 28 years this happens
3. Sun being in position and on Sabbath - only 3rd time in history a) Israelites left Egypt
b) Queen Esther frees Jews
c) Jews interpret as a potential harbinger of a redemptive event of cosmic proportions.
4. Year 2017 beginning of 120th Jubilee
5. Year 1967 119th Jubilee - six day war
6. Year 1917 118th Jubilee - Liberation of Jerusalem
7. 117th Jubilee year 1868 which was the emanicipation of Jew in Europe - slaves freed

Gen 6:1-3 Read. 120 years, could this mean 120 Jubilee years?

Year of creation supposedly 3985, totally lines up with the Sun in position and the number of years.

Its all very interesting but we need to be ready, really ready and stay ready

For the whole paper email patricia@bangoorganics.com.au

Anonymous said...

heres a question for you do u believe richard s berlanga or do u believe richard s berlanga you didnt know there were two of us well i have no relations to the author or his beliefs iam a simple lightworker waitning to ascend

Anonymous said...

you are a fucking idiot--when you see the Lisa Nova video about dumb water, she is talking about you and your kind.

Unknown said...

Very interesting to read this post comments. Thanks for your information in this post. Keep on posting informative article in this blog. I am waiting for your next article in this post.


Anonymous said...

Will Jesus come get his people before the bad stuff starts happening? (Floods,etc.)

Johnny said...

Well I hope we will learn from this and become better people. Maybe after all the exitement, humans start to think what really matters to them...

Anonymous said...

"Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. In the same way, when you see all these things taking place, you can know that his return is very near, right at the door. I assure you that this generation won't pass away until all these things happen." - Jesus, talking to a crowd about 1980 years ago about the destruction of the earth. If he was off by at least around 1950 years, I wouldn't recommend anyone else trying at a guess. But guess away. Literally zero apocolyptic predictions have been correct so far (if you haven't noticed,) so how could you be wrong?

Anonymous said...

Jesus has returned he's in Australia hes teaching love and truth all that stuff about suffering and pain may happen if u don't believe and listen to his words yes u will die but its not going to be pain and turmiol thats ridiculous god loves.every 1 Jesus is his son just like u and me he has a message that will benefit every one and u don't have to listen but he's telling .us the truth and the truth is god is king god is man god loves u belve that and u will be fine